Anxiety and Stress

Anxiety is a very common problem and can affect most people at some time in their life. It is usually at the route of many other disorders such as insomnia, IBS, phobias, panic attacks, drinking alcohol, addiction and depression.

While anxiety is a normal reaction to stress, people who suffer from anxiety disorder may find the physical and mental symptoms overwhelming to the extent that they can't manage their life day-to-day.

Anxiety can be caused by something from childhood, your current life situation, physical or mental health problems or medication.

The feeling of anxiety and stress can present as headaches, upset tummy, butterflies in the tummy, fearful thoughts, lack of appetite or wanting to eat too much.

Short term anxiety is normal and part of life, for example most people will experience it before an exam, driving test, bereavement, relationship break-up, when moving home or having to deal with an unexpected family crisis.

However, when anyone suffers from anxiety over a longer period of time their health can suffer. It's usual for someone to look for help after experiencing anxiety for a few months after their anxiety or stress has developed into something they are unable to manage by themselves. It's common for prolonged anxiety and stress to develop into problems such as panic attacks, agoraphobia or depression.

There is good news! Below is information on how hypnotherapy can help with anxiety and information on what to expect at a hypnosis session.

Hypnotherapy for anxiety is usually carried out over 3-6 sessions. After session 3 we will be able to decide together whether more sessions will be beneficial. I begin each session by taking a detailed history to help establish how best to treat your unique problem. You will be shown ways to remain calm and in control after your therapy sessions, these tools are an important part of the therapy as they will empower you to take control of your life in a positive and enjoyable way.

Hypnotherapy can help with anxiety by working with the unconscious mind to change the anxious feelings in those specific situations that make you feel anxious. These thoughts and feelings then be replaced with feelings of confidence and control. I will teach you breathing techniques which are easy to learn such as ratio breathing. Once this is learned you will find it easy to stay calm in general situations, knowing you have this amazing tool to fall back on. I will also teach to self- hypnosis. One type of self hypnosis is known as progressive muscle relaxation. (PMR)

We can also work on CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) techniques and NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) techniques. People are all different and respond in different ways to different approaches of intervention so it is my goal to treat each person as a unique individual and with the respect that everyone deserve.

How Hypnotherapy can help with Anxiety