Kayla McInally 03/02/2023

Massive thanks to Tracy who helped me through what was a very stressful time for me dealing with emetophobia. Group meditations with Tracy are always amazing and also contributed massively to the hypnotherapy treatment I received and am extremely grateful for! I’d never tried breathing techniques before however both during and after the hypnosis these have proved to be extremely useful in everyday life. Tracy is lovely and I wouldn’t think twice about going to anybody else for hypnotherapy, she has a lovely, kind and positive approach to what I thought was an unsolvable problem however now i’m feeling so much more calm and my mind feels so much more clear! Extremely grateful for the hypnotherapy treatments I received! thank you Tracy!

David Brewer 21/12/22

I recently attended a group hypnosis/meditation session organised by Tracy. The mixture of hypnosis and meditation was really interesting and led me into a deeper state of calmness than I've achieved previously in my own meditations. All those present agreed it was a uniquely relaxing and eye opening event. In mixing hypnotherapy and meditation I feel Tracy is breaking important new ground in the field of self exploration and healing.

Pauline Mackie 05/01/2023

Pauline Mackie recommends Heal with Hypno. · Ive had several Hypnotherapy sessions with Tracey, her calmness and positive outlook and advice during and after the hypnosis helped alot with my Anxiety. I would recommend Tracey @Heal with Hypno if you are looking for an inner peace in a busy world.

June McKune 22/02/2023

I found that I relaxed and felt at ease almost instantly, Tracy has a very calming and reassuring approach that I really needed as this was a new experience. Still can't actually believe that I lay back and relaxed for so long during the day! We haven't booked in my next session yet as I want to try putting the ideas and practices into reality. However I will definitely book another session with Tracy

Phobia review from June (after her holiday)07/07/23

Review of hypnotherapy with Tracy
- over the last few years I was becoming increasingly aware of real issues of dread if we were going to a hotel to stay overnight, mainly because of the fact others had slept in the same bed! . I knew it was irrational as I could happily stay in friends homes but it reached the stage that I just wouldn’t go to a hotel.
I had just one session with Tracy followed by a very calming short message the first night I was to stay in a hotel after the session and I was amazed to find I was ok! I have since stayed in several hotels and again amazed to find that I’m fine!
Tracy was calming, soothing, alert and receptive to the fact that I have a hearing problem ( and changed her tone to suit me) and put me at ease immediately.
My advice would be- if anything is impacting your life adversely- please contact Tracy to discuss options, I’m so glad I did. !!

Ailsa 24/03/23

I contacted Tracy as I was very nervous and sleepless about a long-haul flight I have to take. I have had a flying phobia for 30 years and haven't flown in 12 years. Tracy immediately made me feel welcome and relaxed. She was thorough in her background questioning and ethics. After just two sessions, I'm not having any fear or 'rushes' about flying and I'm open to it actually being enjoyable, which is a revelation! I liked that Tracy's experience goes beyond hypnotherapy, using NLP and other methods to help instil observation and calm. I was given sound recordings to listen to at home which helped me to associate the tools with a calm, safe environment - that then became the context for the exercise when used in a normally stressful environment. I wouldn't hesitate to work with Tracy again to explore tools for other stressors or finding ways through difficult times.

I can update it after I've flown?!

