Thinking about hypnotherapy to help you stop smoking? If you've already been thinking about giving up smoking you will most likely already know about the long-term health benefits.

  • Once people decide to stop smoking their lungs being to repair immediately.

  • Rapid improvement in high density lipoprotein cholesterol.

  • Reduces the risk of coronary heart disease, falling sharply 1-2 years after cessation.

  • Your clothes and hair will no longer smell of smoke.

  • Your sense of taste will improve.

  • Coughing up phlegm will decrease and eventually stop.

  • Increases expected life span as much as 10 years and reduces the risk of strokes.

  • Reduces the risk for many adverse health effects, including poor reproductive health, cardiovascular diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and cancer.

Smoking Cessation is carried out in a one off 90 min hypnotherpy session which is on average what a smoker will spend on cigarettes each month.

Hypnotherapy for smoking cessation is very successful and involves a procedure using hypnotherapy and NPL techniques. Following a detailed consultation of your smoking history I will gently guide you into hypnosis. Clients require to want to do this for themselves and already have a high level of motivation to stop smoking.

Hypnosis can be highly effective for smoking cessation; research shows that when done correctly the success rate is slightly over 66%. Two-thirds might not sound like a good success rate, but given that the success rate of trying to quit on your willpower alone is just 5%, that of using behaviour therapy is just 25%, and that of using nicotine replacement products is just 25%, you can see that hypnosis is a very strong option indeed. In fact, no other method currently supported by research even comes close.

How Hypnotherapy will stop you smoking!